Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Turbofire 30 Day Challenge.... Day 1

Alright folks.... I'm making this happen. Today, I bought my copy of 21 Day Fix Extreme!!!!!! I'm.....so.......excited!!!!

 So, in preparation for the 21DFX, I need to bump up my fat burning. My "winter coat" is still lingering and needs to get thinned out a bit for my new CRAZY muscles that are going to start showing up as of March 2nd. "Move over bacon......"

That means I need to focus on my least favorite 6 letter word... CARDIO. UGGH!!! The horror!!! But I hate cardio? Does that mean I need to jog endlessly on a treadmill for hours and hours... Traveling to nowhere? Or will I have to sell my soul to the endless stairclimber like some messed up M.C Escher painting?


I've found a secret weapon and it's smokin' hot..... Turbofire.

Turbofire has actually been around for a while and honestly, on paper it was terrifying. Dance, cardio, kickboxing with some blonde SUPER amped instructor?!? That sounds like one of the levels of hell to me. Guess what? It's.......AWESOME!

This workout is so fun. Even if you're not coordinated (much like myself) it's awesome. Charlenes energy is not annoying...it's contagious! You may look like a jackass, but you don't care. In your mind you're a bada$$ dancing/fighting machine that is ready to rumble! I highly recommend it!

Like I said I'm doing 30 DAYS of this to prep for our 21 Day Fix Extreme "test" group that starts in March 2 2015. In order to stay motivated, I'm committing to videos, before and after (mostly the after) photos and posts here to check in and hold myself accountable.

Follow along my children. Hold my hand... Maybe give me a little push along the way... And together we will be fat burning balls of fire.... TURBOfire!

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