Friday, September 4, 2015

#HHHyoga30 Yoga Challenge! 8/31-9/30

Who loves yoga and has two thumbs? THIS KID!!!

Over the past few months, I've been focusing more on cardio, weights, running etc. and I love that stuff, do NOT get me wrong. The 21 Day Fix has changed my LIFE...seriously....for realzzzz.

.....But, I missed my good, ole buddy, Yoga.

Generally, I am a pretty high stress person. I mean come on, I am a Gemini and we are basically thinking about 5,000,000 things all the time. It gets a little crazy up there. Yoga, is not only an amazing workout, its so good for your body, mind, and spirit. When I do yoga, I am calm, and relaxed, but still getting my butt kicked at the same time. THAT my friends, is magic.

Since there is NO WAY I will EVER stop drinking my Shakeology (that sh&t is the greatest stuff ever and I would Rick Roll you and post that song, but I wont.....but its true. shakeology, "I am never going to give you up, never going to let you down....") I decided to do my own shakeology and 30 days of yoga challenge and see just how HEALTHY I can get from those two amazing buddies of mine.

So far, I am in my first week and can not tell you how amazing I am feeling! I have the shakeology to give me all my superfood amazingness to fuel my body and yoga to help keep me grounded, balanced and fit.

I am a happy girl!

Each day, I am trying to share some clips/videos from my challenge so If you're new to yoga, you could learn some, nice easy poses. Day 3, I had the request for something that was a nice stretch for your back and shoulders so I chose "Thread the Needle".

This is one of my FAVORITES!!! I learned this one years ago and its totally one of my "go to's" after a long day at a desk or in front of the computer. Its an amazing stretch for your back and shoulders.....ahhhh........Glorious.

So for day 4, I showcased a couple other favorites, downward dog and plank. Plank position is seriously one of my favorites. Its a TOTAL body exercise and its amazing. It works your arms, your core, your legs, back....the whole thannnng! 

 Downward dog is another great stretch for your back, shoulders and legs. Plus, downward dog is so easy to learn, I think everyone should know how to do it. There have been many an afternoon when I needed to bust out a little DWG to relieve some stress and back pain.

I love it.

This is going on all month and I would love you to join me either "officially" or "unofficially". lol To officially join me, just use the hashtag #HHHyoga30 with a photo or video on either Facebook or IG.

 Lets YOGAFY social media!

Stay tuned here and on my other social media platforms for more yoga-tastic, superfood fun and updates!


IG @healthhappinesshippiness
YouTube- Health Happiness and the Pursuit of Hippiness

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